🎉 For devs by devs

No Fluff Privacy

Perfect for Indie Devs & Startups — Launch Fast

Built by creators like you, who don’t have time for legal (but still care about it) in your startup fase. Generate your first privacy policy in seconds and focus on what matters — your app

Privacy in 60 seconds 🏎

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Disclaimer and Terms

As your app grows and starts generating traction or handling sensitive user data, it’s essential to revisit your privacy policy. Larger-scale operations come with higher compliance risks, and you’ll want a more detailed, tailored policy to cover all the legal bases. We’re here to help you get started. When it’s time to upgrade, consult a legal professional to ensure your policy evolves with your success. The privacy policies generated by (the "Service") are provided as a starting point for your privacy compliance needs. These policies are intended for general informational purposes only and are not a substitute for professional legal advice.

"This tool generates basic privacy policies for informational purposes only. It does not constitute legal advice. We recommend consulting with a qualified attorney to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations."

For now, ship fast. Scale smart later.